Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I have never think that this chance come to me. And I have never think that I must do that. Yeah, now, i'm already have an experience to teach somebody, who are my own classmates. My class had accepted this project since one month ago, on January. And suprisingly, my team was the first team who was in charge to teach the student.
I, Imerisa, and Antonius were in one team. We were the on;y team who have 3 members. As I know, teaching is not to difficult job. But from this experience, I have realized that teaching was not as easy as we think. It was really a hard project (job), even we were only taught our own friends. We started to got difficulty in the beginning when we started to prepare the lesson. I still remember that we were only prepare all of teaching needs  one day before the D-day.On that time, we were working at Ime's house which located near the school. We started to work after the first period of extraculicular lessons has ended. It was on 3.15 evening. And we were arrived at Ime's house around 4 o'clock evening.
Shintoism was our topic. We chose that topic because we were interested on that topic before. Actually, my teacher who gave us this project told us to choose history topic. Not only that, we must choose a topic which everybody bored with. I know, for us, our topic didn't really a boring topic. We liked that topic, so we wanted to made that topic even more exciting for the others.
Okay, I will not write to many words here, but surprisingly, our duration for teaching was cut. From 45 minutes into 30 minutes per group. Our team was really surprised and we have a little difficulty to managed our lesson plan to made that switch with the new duration for teaching. It was only took 15 minutes for explaining all about Shintoism. And the rests of the time were used for quiz and game time. But, we were a little bit failed because we took 5 minutes of break time to continue the punishment for the loser of the game. But, I hope all of the materials and game which we gave to our friends could make them happy. And I want all the readers realized that teaching isn't an easy job. It take a lot of energies for teaching. So, I want you all appreciate those who are teach us, in this school and out of this school too. That's all, thanks :D  


  1. to be a teacher so difficulty you must try to be a good teacher

  2. The true is you are good teacher. You just need suggestion from great teacher if you want to be a great teacher.

  3. i know it hard febi !! but i think your performens looks good. i think you have talent to be a history teacher !!!! :d

  4. But we had so much fun together at that time XD
    Hahhaha... I think that's a good memory ~
