Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Best Experience!!!!!

The first time I got teaching task in my classroom, I thought it was very easy. Then, I started to look for my partner to work together. When, I had found the partner, we started to discus about the topic we wanted to teach. After got the topic, I ask Ma'am Agnes about it. Unfortunately, my topic was wrong because it wasn't match with Ma'am Agnes said. Then, I with my partner started to look for another topic. Not so long, we got the right topic, it was World War 1. After got the topic, we made the lesson plan.

When we was making the lesson plan, there were so many problems about it, especially the methods we should use. We must find the interesting idea. But, after we discuss for few hours, we couldn't find the interesting theme. We browsed to found the interesting method. Suddenly we got an idea to make our topic interesting. We made the lesson plan successfully, then we practiced about that method.

The day we should teach came. I didn't feel confident. I try to overcome that feeling with my partner. I try to be relax, to be calm, so I could teach well. When I was teaching, I know that it was very hard to make my friends pay attention to me and my partner. My classroom was very crowded. I try to be patient, but I couldn't try it anymore. I couldn't handle my emotion. Finally, I released my emotion to my friends.

Now, I know that teaching was not easy. I found so many problems that made me became emotional. I can't imagine how my teacher could teach me until now, I really appreciate them who still teach me even tough it was so hard.

By: Davin Sugiarto :D
My Partners : William Gani 

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