Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My experience being a teacher

In the last few weeks, I've taught my friend about history.The reason why i did that because my english teacher, mam agnes asked us to do that as our next project. First i thought that it was a difficult assignment, but after I knew that it was done in a group, i became a little bit relieved. In that group i chose darwin as my partner because we had the same opinion.

Choosing a topic for my history lesson is quite confusing. But at last i found a topic that was interesting enough to be taught in my class, it was Vietnam war. In the Vietnam war, there were lots of moral value that can be learnt and taught us that it's not always big country win the war, but small country can be won too if they have a big sense of nationalism.

 The reason why mam agnes asked us to teach history was making history become more interesting subject for the student.
When i became a teacher , i realized that teaching was not that easy. As a teacher i have to know all about the lesson material, besides i have to make the lesson become not that boring. Before teaching in class i have to make lesson plan, so in the class i can understand what am i going to do next. I think it's not that easy. After that i have to make some slides presentation so my friend will understand my lesson faster. Then my partner and started to think about the game. At first we thought that we did not need a game, but after we discussed together, finally we decided to make a game.

In making the game, we search lots of type of games by browsing in internet, but we finally found the right game that was match to our lesson. The game was rolling the board eraser, so we played the music and then the student must pass the eraser , but when the music stopped, the last person who got the eraser must answered the question from us. If they could not answer the question the will be punished, but if they could answer the question, they will be given some rewards.

I thought being a teacher was not that easy because they had to prepare lots of things that they need while they were teaching in class. Besides being a student were more easier than become a teacher. While the teacher was teaching sometimes the student did not listen , it made the teacher felt dissapointed. After doing this project i can feel what it's like to be a teacher, so i can be more respect to them now than before.

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