Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teacher For A Day

Keep calm, I am only a fake history teacher. As you know, I don't want to be a teacher. To be honest, I am afraid to. I can't imagine myself standing in front of many students talking about a specific subject. But, a few weeks ago I was "forced" to be a HISTORY TEACHER. All of you know that history is never a fun subject to be learned. I don't like history. But in this case, I have to find a way to make me love history and also make the students I taught love history too.

For my first and maybe last history teaching experience, I chose Indonesian Proclamation as my topic. For me, it's quite easy to be taught as I have got this topic since I was in the elementary school. The challenge now is : How can I make Proclamation as a fun topic? I and my partner, Yefa, had some difficulties in deciding our teaching style. After a long discussion, we finally decided to do it conventionally. The difference was the game in the end of our lesson so that the students could review what they've just learned. And we thought that was the fun.

In the teaching day, we were so nervous since we were the second group to perform. I was afraid that none of the students would hear me or think that I was boring. When it was our turn, I could do nothing but gave the best. I explained the chronological of the Proclamation in front of the class, without any presentation. Really traditional, huh? That moment, I didn't care about my grammatical error, I just spoke out anything in my mind. Fortunately, everybody paid attention! Yay!
Maybe my teaching style wasn't the best or the most fun, but at least I have the experience of speaking in front of my friends. I know the feeling of being a teacher.
That's my experience, how about you?


  1. wkwkwk....your experience is funny..hehe

    1. You laugh at someone that tried better :s, but I agree with you
