Tuesday, February 18, 2014



                Okay before I tell you about my teaching experience, I will tell you the process before teaching. Harry, my partner and I wrote a lesson plan or in indonesian called RPP ( Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran). We wrote the lesson plan on text paper. The lesson plan divided into 6 parts. The 6 parts is :Topic,Duration, Achievement, Arrangement, Methodology, and References. The first part, topic is the main contain of the lesson.  Our topic is about apartheid political. And the second part is duration, this shows us how long it takes to teach in class. The third part, achievement, is the goal of your teaching. Usually this part contain 5W+1H ( What, who, when, where, why+ How). The fourth part, arrangement is divided into 3 parts : Opening, Contain, and Closing. Every part must be written clearly. The methodology is a part that shows your method to teach. My methodology is presentation, edited movies, trailer of a film about the topic, and quiz. Harry made and edited the film, he edited the film so amazing and awesome, and my part was search for the trailer of a film. And the last part is references, It filled with the summary of the subject we teach.

                And then the teaching, first we changed clothes : Batik clothes. And then we started the introduction. We introduce ourself as a teacher from England named Mr Harry and Mr Kevin. After that we explain the slide ( powerpoint slide )about the apartheid political, and then we played the trailer and edited movies in the middle of the slide. Between the slide we give the students quiz, so that the students can pay attention to our presentation. Any one who can answer the quiz right will get a prize. We teach clearly so that the students understand what we said and understand the topic and the content. But a few students still don't pay attention to us. After the contents were explained, we started to closed the teaching.  At last we said 'thank you for your attention' for the closing. And that is the end of it.

After all I still feel unsatisfied about the score that given, because it's too less for me. Or maybe I teach poorly. But it's okay because it's an experience for me.

At last..
Thank you  to my partner Harry James Cho

And thank you for reading


  1. because of this experience we learn how to be a good student

    1. I agree with you.. but how about 老师?Is she the part of the student or teacher? lol :D

    2. yes of course hortasi , we must be a good student, wkakaka o:)

    3. But aren't really a good student. lol :P

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You maybe type something rude huh? Hahahhhaa
