Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Well, at first I thought that teaching is not too hard, because in my perspective, as a student, being a teacher is fun. But, after ma’am Agnes told us the topic that we will use to teach, I didn’t think it’s easy anymore. It made me think, that teaching would be come 100 times harder. And then, me and Davin –my teammate- chose World War 1 as a topic. Then we made the Lesson Plan and the presentation because we thought that using Presentation is the easiest way to teach.
Finally the day has come, suddenly I became so nervous standing in front of all of my friends in the class. I became speechless for a while because I used to show my presentation in front of my friends, as a student, not as teacher. I felt nervous because I think there are some of my friends, that knows the World War 1 better than me.
While I was teaching, I can’t keep the class to be quiet, some of them talking to each other. This made me know what teacher feel when the class was so loud. This condition made me speechless for a while. I had to yell at them. But luckily I can control the class in the end. I feel happy and also shocked being a teacher.