Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teacher Is Not Easy

I think be a teacher is easy. So I just relax about this task. Wilbert and I just have a little plan to teach. We just make the presentation about the crusade and want to show the video also we make a simply game. So we believe in our self that we can make it.

Two days before our turn i give Wilbert the material. When the day come i so confused because i have another presentation too. When we be a teacher i felt scared. i scared  if we don't be a good teacher.
Our performance is not too good. We just read the material. We don't retain our material. I think my students is not understood as well  what I'm talking about.
But from this experience i get big value. Become a teacher is not easy like people think. Teacher must make the lesson plan every day, and it's so boring. I also open my own knowledge about the crusade.Before that i think crusade just happened because religion conflict. But is more then it.

May be when I become a teacher i give wrong information for my students. But I already try the best. I try to make history be fun and easy. Fun we make simply quiz and big price. We show video because teen like to watch. I hope next time history will be fun in class.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are right. But i know that your team was doing a lot of effort while you were presentating your material.
