Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Feeling Being a Teacher

I think being a teacher is not easy because first you must understand about the lesson which you want to teach, a teacher must have an idea that can make the student not bored when the lessons on process. There is many method to tell the students about the lesson, example by presentation, watching video, playing a game so the student can easier accept the lessons that we tell them. When I was a history teacher I use presentation method for explain the student about Vietnams War. After showing a presentation me and my partner make a game, in that game we give a question for a student, if the student can’t answer it there will be a punishment example we ask them to sing a song or dancing, for the students who can answer the question correctly there is a snack for them. By making a game the students will not get bored. Sometimes there is a problem for the teacher if they don’t know the material when the students ask. So the teacher should have an idea to get the answer. Sometimes I feel nervous when I was a teacher and stand in front of the class and sometimes it makes me forget what I must say.
 so i think being a teacher is not easy.

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