Tuesday, February 18, 2014


wow !!! 

it was my first time taught something ... and you know what kind of subject is it? it was the subject that i hate hmmm ...i thing forever ? (hehehehehe ... ) yes it's
 H I S T O R Y . hmm... i don't know why i hate this so much. i'm so surprised when Maam Agnes told us to taught history. OMG ! it was scary. but i should do it. me and my partner Sancha taught about G30SPKI . it just a simple accident and also an simple history but you know i took # days just to remembered a handout about it.

i couldn't sleep !! i couldn't remember this !!
on the day that i teach them i'm so nervous ! but .... guess what? me and my partner can do it yahhh ... not bad. we taught them   with presentation
, we give them video about G30SPKI and also we give them games about the G30SPKI . i'm so happy because thay always pay attentions to our presentations and they also can answer all of our questions.but i feel scared .. but you   got point 80 ! whattt ?? i can't believe it ..

i'm so happy and now i think history is not to hard and bad. you just need passion and efford !! so i love History ( not to much hehehehe ) .. you love history, don't YOU ??? :)

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