Tuesday, February 18, 2014

To Lecture or To Educate?

Just a few weeks ago we were given a quite unique English task. I think all of us were rather surprised to hear about the new task, but we went with it anyway. The task was to teach a class history. We can choose whatever topic we want, national or international, just as long as it's history.

We chose our partners; we do the task in pairs. I'm with my friend Chartika E. Uly (XIA6/15) and guess what topic we chose?

The 9/11 Attacks!

I realize it happened not very long ago, unlike my friends who chose the Berlin Wall, Civil War, Cold War, or The World War II. The 9/11 Attacks happened only 13 years ago in 2001. But I still find that very interesting since it caused real devastation towards humanity in the USA. So my partner and I, we teach the class about 9/11.

My partner and I, we did a lot of procrastination before things started to get real. One week before our time to teach the class, I made the Powerpoint Presentation on the subject. We thought we would just present the topic like teachers do and give a little quiz, and that was exactly what we did. We thought we would make the whole class understand about the incident.

But it became a learning experience for me as well.

In our regular classes like Math or Biology, we often not pay attention to our teachers and talk to our friends. Through this task, for the first time I realize how exhausting it was being a teacher. Imagine you talking about a topic that you're really interested in, but everyone was busy with themselves. At first you were so excited, thinking they would be as interested as you are. But as time goes you realize that some of the students are not paying attention at all. I think that was the most difficult part of this task.

To make people pay attention to you.

Well, I wouldn't say I regret having this task. It was such a great learning experience for me. To be honest, it made me realize that I was not much of a good student all this time. I do a lot of unimportant talking in class, and now I know what the teachers feel to see me do that.

And with this experience I want to tell all of my teachers that I honor and appreciate you so much. All of you did such amazing job, teach us such amazing things, but it was us who weren't paying attention. And for that, I thank all of Kosayu teachers.

For all of us in the XI Science 6, let's take this experience as a lesson for us. I hope we can be better students and of course be a greater class for the future!

F (XIA6/11)

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