Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Experience Teaching

After i get task to teaching, i choose Dandy to be my patner to teaching.i feel very sad. because i must teaching history in english laungeue. i feel i cant do that. because my grammar and my vocab nothing good. but, however i must do that.
i and my patner Dandy finally choose the topic to we learn to my friends. the topic is cold war and unisoviet. i then try to learn about my topic cold war and uni soviet. i then have problem. because i must be trnslate the text in internet. but i dont give up. i also learn about how to teaching. i get how to be a good teacher. although i and dandy must be repeat my teaching and we get standard poin. i feel this experience is interesting and i now feel teaching is good. i will do the best in the future. i hope my patner and all my friend also enjoy to teaching. i get important experience that is if we try to do something, we must be diligent and keep spirit. not important whatever that.

1 comment:

  1. okay hopefully next time if you gonna be teacher again don't be sad. Keep in SPRITE... ow KEEP IN SPIRIT!!!!!
