Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be a Director

Hello Guys.. Maybe I little bit late for post this one. But i think you can see my dream for a while.

I am Dandy Christian and you know that. And what I will do after my senior high school is that I want to continue my study at collage. And the faculty that I choose is broadcasting and filming.

Why i choose those two,because my dream is that I want to be a famous director on making some great movies with the efect and everything. And i hope that I can study abroad so I can be more independent, go away from the problem of my family maybe.

First is broadcasting

Why i choose it because i want to know how the production process. Make some TV programm, how to make it interesting, how about the concept of my programm and everything about Broadcasting

And the second is Filming

Yeah i have said the reason why i want to enter in this faculty at the first. BE A MOVIE DIRECTOR. I want to make a great movies with the efect, the story, the professional actors. I like to watch ever types of movies. Horror, Action, Comedy, Adventure, Drama, Epic,Musical, and the other. And I want to make that. it look AWESOME