Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The best experience ever . Hahaha ...
Teaching  ?? At first i thought teaching was easy, but after I try it, It wasn't.

I got a project from my teacher, mam Agnes to teaching history subject. History? I didn't like history because I felt boring,but with this project, I have to make it fun! OK I did this project with my partner Beatrice Marcellina. We decided to teach Majapahit and Singosari empire. We chose that because, a lot of students didn't like about empire. They thought it was boring. So this is it!

How to make it fun ? First I made presentation about it, and I used a lot of pictures to explain it. And then I also used TRICK . What is the trick ? Like PaPaNeBuHar (Pararaton, panjikertagama, Negarakertagama, Butak, Harsawijaya) That was the trick to remember the name of historical book. We also showed them the video about that empire, the king, why the empire could be famous, etc. They looked so excited with that, because, the video was look like cartoon and they liked it.

Not only presentation and video, GAMES also one of the trick. What GAMES ? Snow Ball ,this game was fantastic! How to play it ? We have to throw the ball, to other friends, while the music was playing. After the music stop playing. The last person, who hold that ball, should answer our question.

There were 5 question and if they won, they get snack from us. Become a teacher should be creative, because if not, the students will feel boring, and not respect to us. So I hope with that, History can be their favorite subject or lesson.

From this project, I can learn to be confidence ! and no more nervous in me in front of my friends.

.This is the picture of Singosari empire
 Indonesia culture looks very amazing right !

 This is the picture of Majaphit empire

So I think that all about my teaching experience. And I really happy can feel how to be teacher in Hwaind !

1 comment:

  1. Wkwkwk i like how you teach us. It was unique and a lot of fun. Great job!! :3
