Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When I was a teacher??

My teaching experience

When I was teaching, I was very nervous and afraid. For the first time I taught, I must prepared the materials well. After I taught, I think to be a teacher was not easy, because the teacher must have materials well. More over, a teacher must have high patience,high honesty, and high knowledge. Beside that, I felt a teacher should be guide and educate students well. If a teacher didn't have all of it, can be said that teacher didn't have establishment. Why could I say it? Because I thought a teacher can be said succeed if that teacher had establishment and spirited teaching. Why did a teacher have spirited teaching? Because if a teacher didn't have spirited teaching, certainly students didn't understand what the teacher's mean. And I liked taught my friends. Because maybe I had spirited teaching. I thought to be a teacher gave some games and reviewed the material for the students. And also a teacher must have willingness to teach. If someday I am a teacher, I want to be mathematic teacher and chemistry teacher. Because I like mathematic and chemistry. So, my opinion about teaching, evidently taught students is not easy with which I imagined. To be a teacher,needed high patience,no emosional..And had spirited teaching. I was proud,when I was a teacher.

That's my teaching experience.. Thank you
Novita Tanjaya XI A6/18.

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