Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Teaching Experience

The first when I got this project, I taught this would be very easy task. So almost 2 weeks I was never thought about this task. But as time goes I taught this was a very hard project that needed a good plan. From that moment  I  and my partner started to taught about the best method which can help me to tookt he audience attention. Almost one week we only taught about a plan but we didn't made any presentation for teaching.

Suddenly I reminded about my dart games in my house and i decided to use that at my teaching project. We quiet relieved about this. One day before the D day we made the presentation about Berlin Wall. We worked on it until 6 PM, We add everything to be same as we taught. After that I went home. We sure tomorrow will fun well. At night I learnt again about our topic for tomorrow. 

The day I was so nervous before my performance but I talked to myself this would be fine. And then now was my turn. When we connected it to LCD suddenly the laptop error and can't connected with LCD . We were so stressed with the condition. because our laptop was error we decided to explain it withour presentation. I was so glad finally we can handle it. 

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