Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shocking task!! (Teaching history)

For the first time, I got a teaching task from Mam Agnes. I think it's a simple task. I don't really think about it. So I just did that task if really close with the big day. But after I did that task it's really hard for me. Do you want to know the story? Hahahaha.....

So, first we should go find a partner. And of course I choose Felinda because she is my best friend and I really comfort if I work with her. Then we must looking for the theme. At the first we choose Piza Tower but Mam Agnes disagree with our choice. We try to get the new theme and finally we choose Bandung sea of fire.

We did the other task called RPP, it is for our lesson plan. Our RPP is lesson plan for fourty five minutes and indoor. So me and my partner use presentation, story telling and many more. But suddenly we must teaching for thirty minutes. What a shock!! And the most shock we must teaching in outdoor. What a shock again!!!! Me and my partner must change the RPP again. So tired....

We make a decision to play a game, presentation using a colourful paper, give a present to a winner team, give a punishment to the losing team. And last we wear a unique costume such as a red and white t-shirt and a headband.

But in the middle of the teaching, we got a shock from Mam Agnes because she tell us that we gonna get the remidial if we can't make them keep silent.

So it is so hard. But thank you to Mam Agnes make me and my partner understand that teaching a history in a big class is so difficult.

That's all!! Thank you my partner, Felinda :*
Cynthia A.T. (XIA6/22)

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