Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Teaching Experience: Be a history teacher

       History is a hard subject for many people. Mam Agnes gave us task to became a history teacher. It was suprised me, because i hate history. So when i went to home, i started to think and write the lesson plan. I have planned my lesson plan too. I made a video from 02.00AM until 09.00AM. It really torture me! Then, I'm with my partner, Kevin Brian, made presentation slide for our teaching program.
       On Tuesday morning in my classroom. For the first time, i began to be a teacher. My beloved teacher, Mam Agnes, give me 45 minutes to learn how to teach students. Before my turn, Kevin began to tell them about Anti-Apartheid Politic in South Africa. He could explain fluently and looked so brave! After his turn ended, next my turn. I began to tell about Sharpville Tragedy in South Africa. It's hard to talk normally, because my friends always try to made me laugh. But i tried to keep teach and not heed them. We were look so nervous. After that, i explained them about Nelson Mandela, a person who was the Anti-apartheid Politic revolutionary.

       It's really hard get attentions from students. Many of them talked to each other and played. I was dissapointed that day, because of their act. So i decided to give them a questions. I thought that my method was working! All of them pay attention to me and Kevin. I'm really happy, so i gave a prize for them who could answer the questions correctly. But when our quiz ended, they started to make noise. I stressed and didn't know how to make them keep focus on me. I want to gave them punishment, but i thought it useless. So i tried another way, by showed them a video. The video was talk about torture to black people in South Africa. I thought that i wouldn't working, but... ALL OF THEM pay attention to the video! With sad accompaniment on video, they could watch the video, silently. I was suprised with their act. I thought that they were a good students. They just bored to see and read. They were interesting with "animations". Then, after the video finished, my turn was finished too. My partner and I got a closing greeting from students.
         Now, i have realized that it was not easy to be a history teacher. It was hard too, to get a attention from students. You have to knew "what" they want to be. As a teacher, we should be more patients and keep calm if our students made us angry. Many experience that i got from this task. Thanks to Mam Agnes, for giving us chance to taste this experience. Keep going everyone! :)


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