Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Teaching Project 

            After Ma’am Agnes asked XI science 6 to do history teaching project, I chose Edward to be my friend to be my partner group. After Edward agreed to be my partner, we chose the topic. At first we are so confused to choose the topic. After think for a long time, we’re choose “ The first time chinnese people came to Indonesia “. But after a few days, we changed the topic because we’re to confused to explain it. Finally, we chose “ Hindu and Buddhist kingdom in Indonesia “, to make it clear we chose Sriwijaya kingdom and Majapahit kingdom. 

   On Sunday, we had work our project together at school. At first we confused what methods to teaching. Finally we chose presentation, video and games. After we got the methods, we made the slide of presentation. We search a good and interesting video. We chose the interesting game too, so we can make our friends or our students interested with our teaching project.  

       The day is coming, we’re so nervous. We prepared it very carefully. Now is the show time. First, we introduced our self like our name and what will we do that day. After that, we showed our friends or our student a video. After the video finished, we show them our interesting presentation. After our explain finish, wee playing our game, the name is “ Snow Ball Throwing “. Our friends or our student listening it and I think they’re so interesting with our project. I and Edward so happy after we’re success our project. Thank you friends :) !


  1. I know that experience is the best teacher

    1. Agree at all...
      This blog become major of discussion... really..
