Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Experience is the best teacher


First time i taught a class(in this case my classmates), it was a great time! It was really made me feel what the teachers feel when they teach us. When i looked at the condition of the class, the students really annoy me actually. But, I with my partner, Benyamin knew how to be a good teacher, so we could make it easier.
There was a nervous when I taught the class, because I was afraid if I made some mistakes when i was teaching, and if the students laughed at me, it would make me feel so embarrassed.

Fortunately, that wouldn’t happen. We could give them a good presentation so the students attracted to be serious but still fun.
And if you ask me what I feel when my classmate taught me about history, which is not the lesson we get in Science Class, it would be so  strange.

The main reason is because I like study History, so it gave me some borings when hey taught me about World War, Revolution of Industry, etc, because I knew it all before.
And the second reason is they weren’t “teachers”. They just told us a new knowledge. And the condition was really really not like normal teaching acivity. Your bestfriend was standing beside the whiteboard and taugh you. So, what would you do? Keep silent? For me it isn’t the answer. I would make some noise so he/she would get some “disturbs”.

Finally, I learned something after this activity. First, don’t disturb your teacher when he/she is teaching you, even you don’t like the lesson or maybe the teacher. Because it will make you(and your classmates, of course) can’t understand and get less knowledge, so you don’t know anything when you get an exam or assignment.

Second, don’t humiliate teacher’s job. It’s hard to teach the students especially if the students were troublemaker. The last is you have to respect everyone. You have to listen when someone is speaking, because it will help you or maybe give you something you can’t know if you’re speaking too. God give us two ears and one mouth so we can listen more than speak.
Well, that’s all about my teaching experience.
 Thanks for reading!!!



  1. Great post brother! Keep your post more and more :)

  2. Hope you'll really get salvation :3
    Haha.. JK
