Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What i want to do after finishing SHS

When finishing my high school year, I want to go to university and take medical department because first of all, I want  my dad and my mom proud of me. And then after graduation, I will work as a volunteer doctor, if it's possible. I want to be a volunteer doctor because I don't need glory, I don't need money (just to survive). I think that it can be great if I can earn smiles, from someone who is thanksful, from someone that think I'm useful. I love people, I love the way they decide to trust a doctor. As a Doctor, u have their lives in your hands, patient is what you cares the most, and you must have to do your best, treating them as u would do with your parents or children. And then I will join a spiritual associations  so I can still connect with God and make friend with good people.

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