Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Teaching Experience

Once in a lifetime, my class got a unique task from our English teacher. As like she told us that this task is something that we hate the most, what is in my mind is "This is gonna be a very difficult task". And then Mam Agnes told us to teaching History.  And as my partner, I choose Lisa because she is the person that I thought I can work together with. Then we choose Korean War as our History subject. Actually we choose this theme because Lisa is very like Korean Artist (actually me too), so we decided to work with this subject. But then I think that we have made a mistake. This subject isn't that easy as I have thought before. Korean War has a lot of material and it is also difficult and complicated. And we must think about the other alternative way to draw attention from student. And in addition, we must teach outdoors. "This is gonna be a very, very difficult task"I thought again. So, when the test begin, Lisa and me failed to draw attention from student. But in our second try, I think that we made it, because I can see that most of the student enjoy and interested with our presentations. We show pictures, videos, and make quiz too. I think that this is not bad, Lisa and I have tried as we can.  Personally, I experienced many great moments while teaching. Through it, I learned so much about teaching and dealing with students. My hope is that the other student involved was at least partially changed for the better from the experience as I was. I also hope that there is something in this short story that can help inform and inspire you (and think that History is not boring again


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