Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What will I do after finishing Senior High School

After finishing my study in Senior High School, I want continue to Air Langga University because I think this University can support my dream. I want to be a doctor in the future. I choose Air Langga University because this University is the best public university in Surabaya and this university has complete facilities.

I choose medical faculty because doctor is needed and doctor is honored job that can save many life. As long as doctor doesn’t do any malpractice she will not lose her job.
Besides studying in university, I also want to have a part time job as an event organizer staff. My first reason is to support my financial. The second is to get experience. And the third is that I consider myself as a creative person. Therefore, being an event organizer staff is right way to express my creative.


  1. I think you should go to UI instead of UNAIR because in term of Medical Faculty, UI is the best University in Indonesia. You will easily get job if you study there.

  2. I think how if you continue your doctor faculty abroad ?

  3. You need strong will and good attitude to be a good doctor. Healing poor people without asking the money is generostity.
