Monday, February 17, 2014

What Will I Do After Finisihing Senior High School?

After finishing senior high school in Hua Ind, I will continue my study to university. I will go to Udayana University and take medical faculty.

I choose medical faculty because I want to be a doctor someday. I like to meet people and help them as well.  I want to be a good doctor that can help many people.

Why I choose Udayana University?
The reason why I choose Udayana University because it is a public university that its medical faculty has a good grade. I know it is not as good as Airlangga University or Brawijaya University, but I like the situation in Bali. The situation makes me comfortable to stay there. And also the other reason why I choose that university because Bali is near with my father's work place.

The second choice if I'm not accepted in Udayana, I think I will take medical faculty to be a dentist. I still don't know which university I will go to be a dentist. It is just a second plan.

If I already become a doctor, I hope I can continue my specialist abroad, maybe I will take internist specialist or surgery specialist, whether it is plastic surgery or other. 


  1. I think your plan is good. I hope you will get your dreams come true. Good Luck. Please study hard!

  2. I'm really sure that you will be a doctor. Fighting my friend! :)
