Monday, February 17, 2014

What will you do after finishing Senior High School?

Well, after finishing SHS, i think i am going to the college to continue my study. Well the reason why i want to continue my study to College because i feel that my career will be 'safer'. Safer in this case means that i will have fixed job, for example : doctor, engineer, teacher, etc. You dan;t have to worry your finance too much. And in my opinion, if you want to be an entrepeneur, we don't have to study about them.Let your life skills talk.

I'd like to enter Medical Faculty or Engineering.If i go to Medical Faculty, i want to go to UNAIR I choose Medical Faculty because i want to help people who are sick. I'd love to cure sick people. That's my dream. And beside of that, my mother also dreamed all of her child become a doctor. So i think Medical Faculty is the right way. But life isn't as easy as flipping your hand. If i can't join the Medical Faculty, then Civil Engineering is another best option.

The Civil Engineering is also another choice i like the best besite Medical Faculty. If i have to join the Civil Engineering, i want to go to Petra University or Parahyangan University or ITB. Because my father is a Civil Engineer and i think i like it. I like to continue what my father do and to carry my father name as Civil Engineer because my father is well known in Samarinda, my hometown. And i think i got some talent from my father. I have ever tried some computer apps that being used for my father to make a building. My father also explain me how to design a great building, not only great in appearance but also solid in construction so the building is reliable.

And after that of course after i finished my study,  i'm going to find wife. :)

That's all!!!
William Gani XIA6/25

1 comment:

  1. I suggest to you study abroad because there are a lot of great universities with famous medical faculty. International graduates will definitely pay better. But, if you think that you will make it in national university, I encourage you to study and work hard. I hope you accomplish all the things you want in life. Good luck!
