Monday, February 17, 2014

After finishing school,Where I want to go?

First, I think where I want to go after Senior High School? Because it is very hard for me to choose it. I want to study may be in Indonesia like University of Indonesia at Jakarta. But I want study in Australia because the place is very comfortable and cool. The university at there, I think it is very good for me. So,I choose to study in Sydney, Australia at Macquarie University.

After finishing Senior High School, I want go to university. I want study in Australia. I want study accounting. I choose to study in Australia because in Australia,there are my cousins who can help me when I study at there. And I want study accounting and I choose it because I continue my father's job,and I like mathematic. I think may be accounting likes mathematic. And I try to have good score at there. I want make my parents are proud of me

My job after graduate university/college, I go home to Indonesia and I continue my father's job. My father's job is expedition of truck. And I think may be continue expedition is not easy because many naughty and lazy drivers and many truck. And I can't remember it. But I must  overcome that mistake. And I believe, I can do that like my father.

That's all..Thank you
Novita Tanjaya XI A6/18


  1. You have a nice dream! I hope you can be a good bussiness woman. You want to study at overseas right? So you have to hard-working and never give up on your dream. When you graduate from university, i think it will be better if you take magister and continuing your study. So you'll have much experience to continue your father's job on expedition of truck. Keep going!

  2. I think you can be great business woman, but to achieve that you must study hard, because if you lazy in Senior High School your dream won't be true.
