Monday, February 17, 2014

My Future Plans

After finishing senior high school, i want to continue my study in university. Maybe i will going to one of university in Surabaya. But in this time, i still don't know where i have to go. In my life, i like help other people because with helping each other, it can make me happy. So, maybe i want to be a charism doctor. Accept that, if i can be a doctor, i can heal many people and can make my parents and my big family proud to me. If i can't to be a doctor, i have another choice. I want to be a nutritionists. Because i want to repair some nutrisions in food especially food in Indonesia, as we know food Indonesia have so many preservative. More terrible for children. Accept that, i want to save many people from the death. I want in my lovely country, Indonesia have good health. Because healty life is main priority in this life. So, for now, let us strive to live a healthy life :D

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