Monday, February 17, 2014

What will you do after finishing senior highschool?

         I think after finishing senior high school, i will go to college.Why i go to college? Because i want to increase my knowledge. And also i want to have a good future. So i can have a job that can make my life better. And i hope i can enter Chemistry Technical or Medical Faculty. It must be in Indonesia because i don't want to separate with my family.
         If i go to Medical Faculty, i still don't know what the university is. I will go to UI if i can make it. I choose this because it's my childhood dream. All people ask me what is your dream and i always say i want to be a doctor. And the other reason because my mother want to be a doctor too, but that time my mother have a economic problem that could not make her be a doctor. So she hope her daughter can make her dream come true. And last i really want all people in this world always healthy, and i want to help them with all of my heart :).

        If i go to Chemistry Technical, i also still don't know where i will study. I'm still not sure with it. I choose this because i like chemistry more than medical. And it will be easier for me because i study with all of my heart not with a half of my heart. The next reason because i always dizzy when i see blood. I also scare if i must to surgery a corpse. And i don't have a good mental for Medical Faculty. So it's the best way if i could not enter Medical Faculty.

Thank you! :)
Cynthia Amelia XIA6/22


  1. I think you have a good plan and you must be a cute chemistry teacher. If you really want to be a doctor, you must be brave.

  2. I think you have a good plan and you must be a cute chemistry teacher. If you really want to be a doctor, you must be brave.
