Monday, February 17, 2014

After High School

After finishing high school, I will go to the university. I will take psychology as my major. And I want to study in Yogyakarta, specifically at Universitas Sanata Dharma. I choose this university, because there are so many options of psychology studies that I can choose. One of them is social psychology which I would like to learn more. I want to be a professional psychologist. After graduating from the university, I want to apply for a job at the police. I want to work there as a police's psychologist. I believe by learning about psychology I can have a bright future. I also can make my parents proud.


  1. I think your dream should be come true!! You have to keep going to reach your purpose life. But, it'll better if you start to learn about how to have good talk. When you graduate from university, i hope you can be a good psychologist. Don't ever think about how many you will get a money from your job. But, you have to think about human's life.

  2. You must study hard to reach your dream. And I believe you can make your parents are proud of you...Keep spirit..
