Monday, February 17, 2014

Determining My Future

The one who can determine my future is myself. That is what I always believe. And the part of it is deciding what I will do after finishing high school. The only thing I've planned is going to the university. Why should I go to the university? Not only because my parents said so, but I also wanted to add my knowledge. I don't think I'll be able to work with my high school experience only. I should have something that could add my value. By going to the university, I could deepen my knowledge about a certain subject and get a title. These day, title is very important to get a job. Someone with higher title will have more chance to get the job they wanted.

But, the problem hasn't been solved. I still have to choose my major in the university. Until now, I haven't decided which track I will choose, since there are so many of them. My choice is between Bio-Medical Engineering or Mathematics. Why? I choose Bio-Medical Engineering because I like Biology. Unfortunately, I don't really like Physics, so I'm not really sure with this choice. But, since there are still few people who study this subject, I think the job opportunity is quite high. That's why I keep Bio-Med Engineering in my list. And I also choose Math. Maybe many of you will think I am a freak. Well, maybe I am a freak, but not that much. Just to remind you, I DON'T WANT TO BE A MATH TEACHER. No offense. I just don't want to be "bullied" by my students like how I treat my teachers now. For your information, mathematicians are needed by so many companies, especially in Indonesia. Every big company needs a mathematician to estimate profit or loss. A mathematician can work in assurance company to analyze statistical data such as mortality, sickness, injury, disability, and retirement rates to figure out their probability of happening and the costs associated with each event. In turn, they create policies for people and companies that minimize the risk and financial impacts of these given situations. The most important part, do you know how much their salary is? $95,000/year!

I still confused about where I will continue my study. I have two choices, University of Indonesia (UI) or Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). For me, those universities are the best in Indonesia, and the annual fee is quite expensive too. Actually I also wanted to study abroad, but since it will cost so much more expensive, I won't make it as my plan. A scholarship also seems a little bit impossible. I'm okay. Universities in Indonesia are not that bad if you study seriously. Beside that, I LOVE INDONESIA!

That is my temporary plan for my future, thank you for reading!

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